

Breed Highlights


Muscular, Large In Size, Powerful body

Black with tan on the Muzzle, over the eyes, chest, legs



The first impression of a Rottweiler is of solid strength, Massive powerful body, and substantial build.

Due to their Confident, bold, alert and imposing nature Rottweiler is a popular choice for its ability to guard.

Rotties consider themselves to be one of the family - they love to be included in all family activities. They don't do well when left alone, isolated and bored for long periods. They bond very tightly with their human family and Separation anxiety is a common problem experienced by Rottweiler’s.


They need attention and care. If maintained in isolation they can quickly develop repulsive traits. No Rottweiler should be tied or chained. Left alone for long periods of time, the Rottweiler is capable of extremely destructive behaviour which may indicate boredom or anxiety.


Rottweiler is a stellar human companion and guard dog only displays aggressive behaviour when under poor ownership. They need proper care.


Rottweiler pups are notoriously slow to reach maturity. Typically this occurs at about the two years of age mark. You may have to face many months of hyperactivity bursts, chewing, puppy mouthing and all kinds of other mischievous behaviour!



Male: 43-59 kg

Female: 63-69 Kg


Male: 63-69 cm

Female: 58-64 cm



Life Span- 10-12 yrs

Litter Size: 4-12

Breed appearance:
Medium Size, Almond Shaped, Dark Brown Eyes

Broad & Black Nose.

Broad head, with an arched forehead and relatively short muzzle

Small, Triangular and pendant ears

Short, Straight, Dense, Lying flat Coat.

Tail docked at the first joint and undocked


German Breed descended dog that accompanied the Roman army in antiquity. More


Orignally: Cattle Herding, Bear Hunting, Pulling carts, Guarding Properties

Currently used as: Guard Dog, Police Dog, Guide Dog for disabled, Therapy dog




Family Companion, Calm, Good Natured, Guarding , Friendly Courageous, Protective, obedient, not nervous, not aggressive, very loyal, active, self confident, nit vicious





 Intelligent and very easy to train

Needs socialization as early as possible

Needs firm & Consistent training

Important to establish a leadership Role early


One should get them plenty of physical and mental activities to keep them appeased. Some nice long walks, obedience training sessions socialising them are always appreciated by Rotties. This will help to prevent destructive behaviour such as digging, chewing, whining and excessive barking.


Train them young to have a healthy and rewarding human-dog relationship. Be your Rot's respected leader. Dominant behaviour of rot's can be prevented by socialization & obedience training.


Health & Care

Bone &Joint: Hip& Elbow dysplasia.

Heart & Circulatory: Aortic Stenosis.

Endocrine System problems.

Eye:Entropion, cataracts.

Certain types of cancer.



Some health issues to keep in mind with your Rottweiler puppy:

An overweight Rottweiler is an unhealthy Rottweiler - or will be anyway. Obese Rotties are far more prone to a wide range of health problems than a fit and healthy Rottie. Be sure to provide plenty of exercises and proper nutrition to your dog.

Rottweilers are not an ideal choice of dog breed if you live in a very hot climate.

Other health problems associated with the Rottweiler are - hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, osteochondrosis dissecans, panosteitis, von willebrand's disease, gastric torsion (bloat), allergies (once again dog food nutrition is important), eye disease such as PRA and cataracts. Rottweilers are also susceptible to epilepsy, hypothyroidism and various


Living Conditions:

Rottweiler’s are inactive indoors.

Suitable for living in small spaces, such as an apartment if sufficiently excercised.



Rots needs plenty of exercise.

Retrieving a ball.



Long walks.



The short coat is easy to groom.

Brush once or twice a week.

Bathe only when necessary.

The breed is an average shredder.



Basic Care

The nails are strong and grow quite quick and should be trimmed regularly.

Their ears should be checked regularly to avoid a build-up of wax and debris which can result in an infection.

Teeth should be brushed regularly.


The Rottweiler has what’s called a double coat. The medium-length outer coat is straight, coarse and dense, lying flat on the body.

Brush him weekly with a rubber hound mitt or soft bristle brush to keep the hair and skin healthy. In spring and fall, he will have a heavy shed, known as “blowing out” the coat and will need to be brushed more frequently to get rid of all the loose hair.

Bathe the Rottie as you desire or only when he gets dirty. With the gentle dog shampoos available now, you can bathe a Rottie weekly if you want without harming his coat.



Highly Intelligent, one of the smartest breed.

Confident, calm & friendly.

Loyal, loving and protective of family.


Can be clumsy as a puppy.

Tendency to dominate and display stubbornness.

Can be a Dangerous dog if not kept in good condition.

Nutrition &FEEDING

Clean, fresh water should be available at all times.

protein sources that your dog has already been eating or those common in dog foods, such as beef, chicken, or turkey.

. Dairy products and high amounts of animal fats can also upset dogs with food allergies.

Usually the food has to be very rich in calcium and vitamins for bones and fur.

Fillers and grains such as corn, soy, wheat, yeast and all spices can trigger food allergies in Rottweiler and should be avoided.


Depending on the size of your dog as an adult you are going to want to feed them a formula that will cater to their unique digestive needs through the various phases of their life. Many dog food companies have breed-specific formulas for small, medium, large and giant breeds.


You can feed your Rot according to your choice but working with your veterinarian and/or breeder will be the best way to determine frequency of meals as a puppy and the best adult diet to increase his longevity. Clean, fresh water should be available at all times.



Some ingredients tend to irritate food allergies more than others. These ingredients include protein sources that your dog has already been eating or those common in dog foods, such as beef, chicken, or turkey. Dairy products and high amounts of animal fats can also upset dogs with food allergies.


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