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Sphynx cat



Breed Highlighs:

Sphynx is the most attention loving cat. Much alien in looks it also has a funny character with lots of showiness. It is a cat of family who loves to see new people and make them laugh. It is a smart and athletic by nature. 


6-12 pounds


8-10 inches

Life Expectancy:
8 to 14 years
Litter Size:
4 kittens
Breed Appearance:

Sphynx is medium sized cat with bald and wrinkled skin. They have fine hair and are muscular for their size. Their ears are unique with large size resembling to that of bat. The eyes are big and wide, most of the time observed lemon like with a slight slant at upper corners.


Their history dates back to 1966 when Prune, a hairless kitten was born to a domestic cat Elizabeth in Toronto. It was case of mutation. Owner of Elizabeth realized the uniqueness of this new kitten and tried backcrossing which produced one more naked kitten.


Their breed originated in Toronto. Sphynx are a result of mutation of genes. They have very little hair to prove their belongingness to normal cat species but so they remain different because of the unnatural phenomenon (hairlessness) occurred to them.

Currently Used As:

Sphynx are currently used as pet


These naked cats takes a lot of time to become comfortable at new place. You need to love and attend them to make them feel comfortable. And once they start roaming by themselves in your home you can start their training. They easily get accustomed to grooming and would love to have pedicures and baths depending on their mood, but unlike other breeds they are grooming friendly. They originally are a fun chap so you can train them to become more entertaining. They would love to talk and become part of your family and friend circle. You can also expect good sport from them as they are athlete enough to play and exercise. 


Because they lack the protection of a fur coat, a hairless Sphynx cat requires special care. Sphynx cats have few health or genetic problems, and have a normal lifespan. They are generally considered to be a very robust breed. But they do still face some problems unique to their physical nature, most of which have to do with their hairlessness.

Living Condition:

Sphynx cats are vulnerable to the sun and cold and are meant to be indoor cats. So exposure to the outdoors should be limited. Also, as their bodies are constantly working to keep themselves warm, their metabolism is higher than other cats so they need to be fed more food at meal times.


Sphynx is a happy go lucky breed. They practice exercise through play. Not very eager with outdoor strolls they find activities indoor that will give them a chance to show off their stunts and acrobatics. They can wear themselves out by running behind a laser point or fur mice or simply by running back and forth in the house, but they make sure they remain agile and active.


These naked cats need special care because of their unusual coat condition. It is advised to bath them weekly to prevent their body from buildup of oil and dust. Sphynx are vulnerable to heat and cold so exposure to outside should be limited. One more reason to keep them inside is that they are also prone to infections. Their metabolism is high so they need to be fed really well!


Sphynx breed is friendly, affectionate and intelligent. Good for them who don’t like pets shedding their fur all over. These are indoor cats and are adaptive to circumstances. They are less prone to trigger allergies and are quiet entertaining.


Purebreds are nearly always expensive to purchase, and often prone to particular diseases or birth defects. They are more prone than other breeds to health problems, they have a shorter lifespan than most cats, they are rather expensive, and they require special grooming attention including regular baths. They also have a high metabolism, so they eat a lot. And their skin is rather sensitive and they can easily suffer from sun burn.

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