How to Care for Dog Ears: Ear Care Tip
Cleaning your dog's ears is a vital component of their grooming routine. Some dogs require ear cleaning more frequently than others. Dogs prone to ear infections should have their ears cleaned more frequently. However, it can be difficult if they haven't been conditioned to accept it or if they don't feel comfortable doing it.
Dogs with naturally healthy and clean ears may require no ear cleaning at all, while dogs with dirt accumulation and ear infections might require frequent ear cleaning. It is more common for dogs with long-hanging ears, like Basset Hounds and Cocker Spaniels, to develop ear infections.
Material lodged deep within the horizontal canal of the dog's ear canal is difficult to remove without the help of cleanings due to the nature of the ear canal. This substance is the cause of itching and infections in dogs if not cleaned properly.
Checking the health of your dog's ears regularly is something you should do. Dogs with healthy ears may love to be touched, but if they jerk away from you, they may be sore. By gently stroking your dog's ears, you can begin to examine its condition.
Before you pull out the dog ear cleaner, be sure your dog needs ear cleaning. Over-cleaning your dog's ears can cause infection and inflammation, so get to know what a healthy, clean ear looks like (pink, odourless, and not unclean or inflamed) and smells like (not yeasty). Depending on the dog, ear cleanings may be needed every once in a while, or more frequently. For instance, dogs who stay in water for longer periods are more prone to ear infections and may require more frequent cleanings than others.
It's probably time for cleaning if you notice a mild stench or your dog is shaking their head more than normal. Contact your veterinarian if your dog's ear appears to be red and inflamed, smells yeasty, or they appear to be in discomfort. It is important to consult a doctor if you notice these signs and symptoms, as these could indicate an ear infection, fleas, ear mites, or allergies. Cleaning an infected ear can often be more harmful than beneficial.
Here are 3 simple steps to cleaning your dog's ears:
- Gather your supplies as well as your dog. Cleaning your dog's ears when they are quiet will make the job go more smoothly. To sweeten the transaction, don't be hesitant to use treats.
- Fill your dog's ear canal with a veterinarian-approved ear-cleaning solution and gently massage the base of the ear for around 30 seconds. You will hear a squishing sound as the product dislodges trash and accumulation. You may introduce bacteria to your dog's ear if you let the applicator's tip touch their ear.
- Allow your dog to shake their head. This is when the towel comes in handy: you may use it to shield yourself from the spray while still wiping your face. After your dog has stopped shaking, gently wipe out the ear canal with the cotton ball or gauze, going no deeper than one knuckle's depth. Stop cleaning and visit your veterinarian if your dog appears to be in pain.
Because ear cleaning can be a stressful experience for dogs, it's critical to make it a good experience for your pet. Only clean your dog's ears when they are quiet, and give them plenty of treats both during and after the procedure. Treat your dog with more treats, massages, and cuddles, and praise them once you've finished cleaning their ears. Positive reinforcement goes a long way toward ensuring that your dog is ready and willing to clean its ear the next time.
Knowing how to look after your dog's ears is an important component of their overall care. You can help keep your pup's ears healthy for life by performing periodic at-home ear cleanings, getting regular professional grooming, and keeping up with vet check-ups.
NOTE: Above all, use as little force as possible while inserting items into the canal. Your dog's hearing may be permanently damaged if you do so. Bring your dog to the veterinarian or groomer if you're too afraid to clean them yourself.
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