STOP! Don't Feed These Food Items To Your Dog


No matter how much your dog begs and pleads, there are some foods that you should never give to your dog. You should also make sure that any potentially poisonous foods are not left out where your dog could access them. Continue reading to learn what not to feed dogs and why.

  •       Food that is harmful to dogs

What human foods are off-limits to dogs? You probably already know not to give your dog chocolate, but did you realise avocados are also terrible for them? When it comes to pet food, good human food can frequently mean awful pet food. Let's take a look at some of the foods that dogs should avoid.


  1. Chocolate: While melting chocolate makes people happy, it can be extremely damaging to your dog. Caffeine and theobromine, two stimulants, can cause your dog's heart to accelerate, blood pressure to spike, seizures, and even death. Because it includes more of these compounds, the darker the chocolate is, the more harmful it might be for your dog. As a result, baker's chocolate and semi-sweet nibs are out. Chocolate has less effect on smaller breeds than it does on larger breeds.

  2. Gum and Candy: It's amusing to imagine a dog chewing on a piece of gum, but it's not anything to giggle about. Because a dog wouldn't know what to do with this unusual, chewy stuff, it may be swallowed, causing choking or digestive blockages. Candy can cause the same problems, especially if it's chewy, such as caramel or taffy. Hard candies might potentially cause tooth fractures in your dog.
  3. Xylitol: Xylitol is a sugar replacement found in a variety of foods such as gum, candies, desserts, yoghurt, and peanut butter. Ingesting xylitol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, and liver failure in dogs. So, before giving anything to your dog that may contain xylitol, verify the contents.
  4. Grapes: Grapes are extremely toxic to dogs and can cause serious consequences such as kidney failure. Even a single one can give your dog a bad response, so keep those bowls of grapes and fruit salads out of reach of paws. If you see a straggly, empty grapevine on the floor near your dog when you get home, call your veterinarian or animal poison control right away.

  5. Raisins: You've heard of raisins, right? Of course, they're dry and shrivelled grapes! As a result, they're just as dangerous to your dog as their spherical and juicy counterparts. Raisins can also be challenging since they can be hidden in cookies and other treats that your dog may want to eat.

  6. Avocados: This fruit (yep, it's a fruit) contains a chemical called persin, which is toxic to dogs. Avocados have more persin in their leaves and skin, and various kinds can have varying amounts of this harmful chemical. In any event, it's best to be safe than sorry on game day and keep your dog's nose away from the guacamole bowl.
  7. Onions: Onions contain a toxic chemical that can injure your dog's red blood cells, preventing them from transporting oxygen throughout the body. This is as scary as it sounds, and it has the potential to be lethal. You might be wondering what kind of dog would eat an onion, but they've been known to devour dropped slices, chew on fried onion rings, or nibble on sweeter tasting pearl onions. Onion powder is extremely toxic to dogs, so keep it out of reach in the spice cupboard.
  8. Garlic: Garlic like onions, can cause red blood cell destruction in dogs. You could also ask why a dog would want to eat garlic, just as you might with onions. Dogs, on the other hand, aren't necessarily wary of strong-tasting foods. They could eat garlic cloves that dropped off the counter while you were cooking, or they could get into a jar of chopped garlic that was left open on the counter. Garlic powder can also be a problem, so keep it in a safe place.

  9. Salt: Too much salt can harm your dog's health, whether it's poured directly from the shaker or sprinkled on potato chips, pretzels, popcorn, or other treats. It can cause sodium ions or salt intoxication, which can cause kidney injury. Excessive thirst and urination, as well as vomiting and diarrhoea, are all symptoms.

  10. Raw Yeast Dough: If you're preparing bread or other foods with raw yeast, such as handmade soft pretzels, make sure to keep it away from prying eyes and noses. That dough's yeast can expand in your dog's stomach, causing unpleasant gas and bloating. Bloat can distort a dog's stomach, which can become a medical problem. Alcohol intoxication is also a possibility because yeast creates alcohol during the fermentation process. 

Any dog, regardless of breed, size, or shape, is at risk of ingesting anything toxic. Some dogs, though, may be more prone to eating items they shouldn't because of their personality. While all dogs should be protected from dangerous foods and toxic substances, dogs who are particularly interested in or enjoy putting items in their mouths may require extra attention.

It's helpful to be aware of the foods that dogs should avoid, but it doesn't mean you'll be able to keep your dog out of trouble all of the time. If you fear your dog has eaten something hazardous, call your veterinarian right away. Also, be cool and never attempt to treat your dog without seeking professional help. You risk injuring your dog or injuring yourself. When a dog is in pain, terrified, or upset, even the most affectionate canine might behave out. Your veterinarian may need to perform diagnostic tests, induce vomiting, administer fluids through an IV, or prescribe medications, depending on the situation. Some pets may need to be hospitalised in serious cases.

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