Dog Hygiene checklist
Being a pet parent is fun and rewarding as you will always find a little pup waiting for you wagging his tail happily. But being a paw-rent comes with responsibilities as well. You need to ensure that your dog is in good and healthy shape.
A regular dog care routine will mean a healthy and hygienic life for your dog. There are multiple things to consider when you decide to maintain your dog's hygiene regularly. From pet shampoos to pet sanitisers, you need to buy everything pet-friendly that is safe and hygienic for your furry friend.
Just like us, even our dogs have to maintain multiple things, be it their nails or their ears, everything needs to be paid close attention to. Here's an ultimate checklist for you to maintain your dog's hygiene;
1) Check for ticks & fleas
There might be a chance that your dog might get ticks or fleas by spending the day roaming in the streets, playing in the gardens, and rolling about in various locations. Ticks and fleas may be bothersome, so it's crucial to check your dog for ticks and fleas. These little insects reside on the dog's body and cause continuous itching and irritation. It is necessary to get rid of these with proper dog grooming products. If the problem remains persistent, it might be a good option to visit a vet.
Tip: Use anti-ticks/fleas herbal solution products to help ease irritation and itching on the dog's skin
2) Timely vaccination
Just like humans, even dogs need to get vaccinated timely. Delaying or forgetting his vaccination might lead to long-term pain and problems. Vaccination prepares a dog's immune system to defend itself from any invasion of disease-causing organisms. Vaccine plays a vital role in protecting the dog from many critical and fatal diseases.
3) Bathe your pup
Bathing is an essential part of a dog's grooming needs. With the dog rolling around every day in dust and grass, they need a clean bath for washing skin and hair coat. Make sure to bathe your dog as advised by your vet, as excessive bathing might lead to flaky skin and make the fur lose its shine.
Tip: Use dog-friendly natural shampoos and conditioners to bathe your while keeping him protected from chemicals.
4) Brushing
We, humans, brush our teeth every day, so why not brush your dog's teefs as well? Just like us, our dogs are prone to bad breath, gum diseases, tooth decay, mouth infection, tartar, and much more. Thus, a hooman needs to brush its pet's teefs.
Tip: Don't use a human toothbrush on a dog's teeth. Use softer bristles brushes like Pawsindia Pet's Finger Toothbrush.
5) Nail clipping
Trim nails are one obvious indication of your dog's good health and cleanliness, and nail cutting is a crucial component of dog care. Start touching your puppy's feet and clipping their nails while they are young so they develop acclimated to the practice since, for many dogs, nail trimming can be anxiety-provoking.
Tip: You can make the nail clipping process more fun by letting them lick Peanut Butter, so they remain distracted while you gently cut their nails.
6) Trimming coat
Everybody occasionally has a terrible hair day, but you can keep this from happening to your dog by trimming his coat as needed. Medium- to long-coated dogs, dogs with curly coats, and dogs with wire-haired coats all require regular trimming. Like on a dachshund, the short hair is near to the body and thus requires regular brushing and bathing.
Tip: Before you start clipping your dog's coat, bathe your dog properly with a shampoo and conditioner, or else the dirt might clog the clippers and make your job difficult.
7) Cleaning dog's ears
To avoid the accumulation of dirt that can cause ear infections, the majority of dogs need routine ear cleaning. All dog breeds are susceptible to ear infections, but those with long-hanging ears, like Basset Hounds and Cocker Spaniels, are among the ones at the most risk.
Check that your dog genuinely needs ear cleaning before pulling out the dog ear cleaner wipes. Learn what a healthy, clean ear looks like (pink, odourless, and not filthy or inflamed) and smells like (not yeasty or stinky), and only clean your dog's ears when you detect a difference. Over-cleaning your dog's ears can cause infection and irritation.
Tip: You only need a few supplies to successfully clean your dog’s ears: a cotton ball or gauze, a dog ear-cleaning solution, and a towel.
We all love, when our dog jumps all over us after a challenging day at work. Owning a dog is cute and heartwarming! They adore you without conditions. Fluffy animals are an integral part of your life, just like your family members. Thus, implementing hygienic habits to keep the dog healthy and disease-free is necessary.
Pets are just like humans and require a fresh, healthy and nutritious diet. Aside from the fact that your pet needs food, there are many other essential things they need. Pawsindia's foremost goal is to offer high-quality, premium products for pets to keep them healthy and happy. Every pet deserves the best to live a happy and reasonable life. Thus, we cater to a wide array of wholesome food that's delicious as well as nutritious and delivers supreme and trendy pet accessories which include toys, feeders, shampoos, conditioners and much more. In the end, all that matters to us is a happy and healthy wagging tail. And we are always there for you and your pets!
With PawsIndia – You Parent, We Pamper.
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