Why Cat Scratches?
Are you a cat parent? If yes, you might have noticed your cat scratching on your couch, curtains, mat, and even your clothes. Every cat parent wonders, why does my cat scratch so much? The good news is it is not a sign of bad behaviour. Well, the reality is a cat needs to scratch, and scratching is, in fact, good for their health and wellness.

Because it’s an instinctual habit, you should not try to completely eliminate the behaviour or scold your cat for scratching, rather encourage her to scratch on the right objects. Cats use their claws for several reasons, and in the lack of satisfactory alternatives, cats may scratch furniture and carpets. If your cat enjoys scratching, you must understand the reason and give them solutions that will benefit you both.
Do Cats Need To Scratch?
Yes, cats do need to scratch. Scratching is normal feline behaviour and not the cat’s desire for revenge. Scratching is a way for cattos to mark their territory, stretch, work off energy, fight boredom, or simply groom their nails.
Why Do Cats Scratch?
Your goal should never be to stop your cat from scratching, but rather to redirect cat scratching to a healthy way. Here are a few reasons, why your cat scratches;
1) Healthy claws
Cats have retractable claws, which means the claws retract into a sheath within their paws. Cats need to shed these sheaths on a regular basis so that new claws may form, which is why scratching is important.
2) To mark their territory
Cats need personal space and use a number of methods to communicate their territory with other felines. Scratching is one method for your cat to leave their mark on their house, alert other animals to its presence, and feel content knowing that its territory is secure. Cats have scent glands located in their paw pads to mark their territory.
3) For Exercising and Stretching
Scratching provides essential exercise for cat's paws as well as a much-needed full-body stretch. They can arch their backs and fully stretch their legs, which is a really satisfying movement for a cat.

4) Stress relieve
If your cat has the energy to burn, you might see her scratching excessively. Well, scratching is a way for your feline friend to get relief from stress and anxiety.
5) Joy and Happiness
Cаts scratch to show their еxcitеmеnt. They do it when they wake up and at times when their human returns home from work. They also do it when kneading with their paws, which is really beneficial for them.
How to Stop Inappropriate Cat Scratching
Getting frustrated over a torn-up sofa? Don’t panic! Your frustration on your catto won't solve the scratching problem, rather affect your bond with her. The easiest and most effective way to solve your cat's scratching issues is by providing your cat with a scratching post.

Cat Scratchers
If you don't have a cat scratching post in your house, then you need to have it right now. Scratching posts are the best way to stop your cat from scratching on furniture and curtains. Let's dive deep and understand cat scratchers and how to find the best one for your cat.
What to look for while getting a scratcher for your catto?
1) Long and Big
Cats like to have a space that's big enough for them to stretch their body and be comfortable. They like to have their personal space and territory where they can relax.
2) Sturdy
Cats are very picky when it comes to their toys or posts. They need a sturdy post that doesn't wobble and should stand strong when they jump or hop on it.
3) Material
It's crucial to choose a post with a covering that is different from the material in your home that your cat usually scratches. This will make her feel more attracted towards the scratcher, saving your furniture.
Cardboard Cat Scratchers
One of the excellent materials for a cat scratcher is heavy corrugated cardboard. It has a pleasing feeling and makes a great noise when scratched. While looking for cardboard cat scratchers, you can go for Pawsindia's scratchers.

1) Diagonal Cat Scratcher + Teaser
Pawsindia’s Diagonal Cat Scratcher is a cat scratcher made from recyclable cardboard material to encourage play among cats and thus prevent the cat from damaging your valuable furniture. This unique cat scratcher has a diagonal slide-like scratching board with a teaser on top.

2) Interactive Cat Scratcher
PawsIndia's Interactive Cat Scratcher is made from recyclable cardboard material. This unique cat scratcher comes in a circular shape with a small ball inside. This adorable toy has a one-of-a-kind design that allows your cat to satisfy its scratching needs, relieve stress, and act as a suitable furniture substitute. With the ball inside, the cat will be excited to play.

3) Lounge Bed Cat Scratcher
Pawsindia's Lounge Bed Cat Scratcher is a relaxing cat scratcher made from robust cardboard. The wave pattern cat scratching pad has a comfortable contoured surface for cats to flex and stretch on, making it ideal for claw upkeep, exercise, muscle training, and stress release.

4) 5in1 Replaceable Box Cat Scratcher
PawsIndia's 5-in-1 Replaceable Box Cat Scratcher is a never-ending cat scratcher made of cardboard. This unique cat scratcher comes with 5 both sides scratching boards which can be changed when one of them gets used or scratched up. Just flip it over when one side gets scratched up and witness your cat enjoy scratching to the fullest while protecting your furniture.

5) Wall Hanging Cat Scratcher
The Wall Hanging Cat Scratcher by Pawsindia is a convenient double-sided cat scratcher toy that can be hung from your door knobs, hooks or door handles and allows your cat to enjoy playing in their alone time.
Tips For Getting Your Cat Attracted Towards Scratching Posts
1) Cats often scratch when they wake up from a nap so put one scratcher near the cat’s sleeping area.
2) Sprinkle some catnip on the scratcher to attract your cat to the post.
3) The most critical step is to reward the cat for using the post.
It is easy to choose a scratching post that your cat will love, all you have to do is just put yourself in his paws. You can save your furniture and mats easily with scratcher posts. Your cat might take a little time to get acquainted with the post, so you have to be patient while dealing with him.
Pawsindia is always there to help you with your pets. You can find all the latest and innovative pet supplies on Pawsindia. From an interactive toy range to pet beds, we have got everything to ease pet parenting for you. We provide top-notch pet foods over a wide range of choices and premium pet accessories for your beloved pooches and cats. For us, happiness means a healthy wagging tail. Let's revolutionise the pet space together.
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