How To Get Rid Of Ticks & Fleas in Dogs
If you find creepy crawling monsters on your dog's skin, then there might be chances that your dog is suffering from ticks and flea infections. Being a pet parent, it's hard to see our pet suffering from irritation and continuous itching.
These little insects find comfort in the warm body and plush fur of their canine companions. However, if they settle in and start feeding off of your pet's blood, they can lead to a variety of health issues, from skin infections to Lyme disease.
There is no particular season for your dog to catch ticks and fleas. The winter is no less of a risk than spring or summer. When it comes to grooming, many hoomans think that no fur is equal to no ticks, but that's not true. Every dog needs a proper bath, cleaning, and grooming. Thus, here's a tick and flea guide for you and your furry friend.
How do my pets and home become infested with ticks and fleas?
You and your human guests may unknowingly be flea and tick carriers. Anyone entering your home might be a flea carrier. They can be brought in without the person's awareness from their own house or pet.
If you enjoy trekking in locations where fleas and ticks are common, it's simple for a tick to hitch a ride on your pants leg, socks, shoes, and so on. These parasites are highly skilled in attaching to potential hosts.
Every time your pet goes into the outside world, he might be prone to ticks and fleas. Your dog is exposed to ticks and fleas, on his regular walks, a visit to the vet, a trip to the groomer, and much more.
Ticks and fleas are good at hiding and will find the furriest spots in the deepest crevices of your pet's skin. You may be very careful about checking your dog for ticks after a good hike in the woods or a trip down to the lake. Look closely at the fur on the neck, the abdomen and the armpits of your dog as these are the most common spots of infection.
Potential Health Issues
If not treated timely, ticks and fleas can cause potential health issues like;
- Skin irritation and infection
- Rashes and red inflamed skin
- Scabs and scales
- Transmission of disease and illness to you and your dog
- Psychological issues from constant scratching
It is important that you take measures to reduce the risk of an infestation. With the right plan and products, flea and tick infestation is easily preventable.
How To Identify Ticks & Fleas
Ticks and fleas are two different types of parasites that commonly infect dogs. There's a slight difference between ticks and fleas;
The appearance of ticks;
Ticks resemble tiny minuscule spiders and are large enough to be seen with the human eye.. When they hook onto your pet, they feast on its blood.
The appearance of fleas;
They are blackish-brown specks that are tiny than ticks and jump very swiftly and high. Fleas are small wingless insects that are almost invisible to the human eye.
TIP: Take immediate action if you find your dog infested with any of the parasites as they spread rapidly.
Signs your dog is infested with Ticks and Fleas
Fleas are little and hop a lot, while ticks burrow into your dog's fur, making them difficult to notice. If you don't know what to look for, here are a few symptoms that your dog is unknowingly harbouring one or more of these parasites:
- A lot of itchiness and scratching around the head and ears
- Red spots on your dog’s skin may be from tick or flea bites
- Signs of flea dirt (a black-brown powdery substance in the fur)
- Spotting a tick anywhere in your home (yes, even a single one)
- Bumps or rashes (some dogs are allergic to tick bites)
Tips for preventing fleas and ticks
Prevention is always better than cure, thus it's better to take all the preventative steps beforehand.
- The best choice for prevention is to use veterinary-approved flea and tick treatments on the market. Consult your veterinarian to choose the best flea and tick prevention product for your dog. Anti-tick and flea shampoos, collars, and topical flea and tick treatments are all available to address specific issues. You may also wear one of these sun and bug blocker overalls, which protect you from UV rays and biting insects in harsh conditions.
- Build the pet's immunity. Tick infestations are less likely to occur in healthy pets who consume a good diet. It just takes one tick to spread deadly infections such as tick fever, and a robust immune system is required to combat them. Make sure your dog eats regularly and keeps hydrated. If you want to offer your dog supplements, make sure to see your doctor or a trained canine nutritionist first.
- Take note of the label. Never, ever use cat flea medication on a dog unless the label expressly specifies that it is intended for both cats and dogs.
- After treks through the woods or grassy areas, regularly check yourself, your dogs (even if they are taking a tick prophylactic), and your pets for ticks. On canines, pay close attention to the areas surrounding the eyes, ears, and lips, as well as the feet (and in between the toes), the legs, the anus, and the tail. Make careful to check your dog's collar as well. Look for lumps on your dog's body and split the fur to examine any lumps you find.
- Check yourself, your dogs (even if they are on a tick preventative), and your pets for ticks after walks through the woods or grassy areas. Pay special attention to the regions around the eyes, ears, and mouth, as well as the feet (and between the toes), legs, anus, and tail on canines. Make sure to inspect your dog's collar as well. Examine any lumps you notice on your dog's body by splitting the fur.
- The earlier you remove a tick, the less probable a later illness caused by tick bites will harm your dog. Learn how to properly remove ticks. Purchase a pair of sensitive tweezers or a tool made particularly for removing ticks. Wearing gloves and removing the tick by the head is recommended. Call your veterinarian if you are unable to remove the tick yourself.
- Check your dog for fleas in any spots where the coat is thin or sparse. Consider the armpits, abdomen, and inside sides of the rear limbs. The tiny, copper-coloured fleas that bite your dog's skin move swiftly. Additionally, you might see "flea mud" or excrement, which are tiny dark patches that, when placed on a damp paper towel, turn crimson due to blood that has been eaten.
- Treat all of your dogs at once if you have several. As a result, cross-infestation will be reduced. During flea season, keeping your dog away from other dogs can help lessen the likelihood that they will contract fleas.
- The surroundings must be treated concurrently with the care given to the dogs. Completely vacuum the sofas and carpets before washing all bedding in hot water with laundry detergent and letting it air dry or discarding it. Remember to empty the vacuum containers outside once you're through.
Treating Ticks and Fleas
Flea collars, sprays, powders, and shampoos were the mainstays of flea management many years ago. Compared to the majority of the goods we now suggest, these products are both more harmful and less useful. We do not suggest any of these goods as a result. The secondary skin diseases that your dog may have developed as a result of a flea infestation can, however, be effectively treated with medicated shampoos.
Currently, the following dog flea and tick treatments are advised:
- Oral Chewable Tablets: These are a fantastic option for treating and preventing fleas and ticks, and they're safe for your family and your dog. You can only get oral medications to treat fleas and ticks from your veterinarian.
- Topical remedies: Spot-on flea treatments come in a wide variety with differing levels of potency and application. We will assist you in selecting the most effective spot-on flea and tick medication for your dog during your subsequent veterinary visit.
Tick collars: A medicated collar for dogs is used to manage and kill tick diseases in pets. Tick collars, when worn properly, assist dogs that go outside or reside in locations where tick infestation is common.
- Hemp Seed Oil: An advanced resistance against bug bites is offered by hemp seed oil. It even controls fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, flies, mites, lice, and several other external parasites safely and effectively. With the help of Hemp Seed oil, reduce swelling and itching caused by insect bites as well as hydrate, clean, and nourish their skin and coat. It has anti-microbial characteristics, is high in antioxidants that shield the skin from oxidative damage, and is a good source of important fatty acids including omegas 3 and 6. Get your bottle of Relax Hemp Seed Oil from Pawsindia Organics today and give your dog relief from tick and flea infestation.
Remember to treat your home as well, because fleas may reside in your carpet and other areas of your home.We advise making an appointment with a veterinarian right away if you believe your dog is impacted by fleas and ticks. Even while we are aware that flea and tick infestations can be unsettling and overwhelming, they are curable.
Aside from the fact that your pet needs food, there are many other essential things they need. Pawsindia's foremost goal is to offer high-quality, premium products for pets to keep them healthy and happy. Every pet deserves the best to live a happy and reasonable life. Thus, we cater to a wide array of wholesome food that's delicious as well as nutritious and delivers supreme and trendy pet accessories which include toys, feeders, shampoos, conditioners and much more. In the end, all that matters to us is a happy and healthy wagging tail. And we are always there for you and your pets!
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