Puppy Training For New Pet Owners
Training helps your puppy develop into a confident, well-behaved dog who can accompany you to a variety of situations. Play and training are essential for your puppy's healthy development. Dogs that are well-trained and obedient have a better chance of maturing into balanced and happy adults.
Dogs are pack creatures by nature. As a result, your puppy may be stressed by spending hours alone at home. Chewing, soiling, and barking are all symptoms of abandonment anxiety. That is why it is critical to prepare your puppy so they get used to spending alone time.
Puppies are quick learners who love a well-planned training session. Here are a few pointers to help you and your dog enjoy your lessons and get the most out of each one:
- Reward good behaviour: It's crucial to let your puppy know when they've done something well during the training process. Use kibble from their daily food ration, a low-calorie snack, or a nutritious treat. Praise, attention, or their favourite toy are examples of non-food rewards. All of this will serve as a motivator to continue good behaviour.
- Keep it short: Training sessions don't have to be long or complicated. Your puppy's attention may begin to stray after a while. As a result, go for short, frequent workouts. You may have to repeat the same session several times.
- Enrol them in a puppy school: Puppy schools are an excellent method to teach your pet new skills while also receiving professional training guidance. This experience will help your puppy socialise and become accustomed to being around other people and dogs.
- Start early: Your puppy's brain is continually expanding and developing during the first few months of life. That is why it is critical to begin training while they are most susceptible to new experiences.
- Be consistent: Consistency is crucial in helping your dog understand. You shouldn't, for example, allow something one day and then prohibit it the next. When it comes to training, using the same terms for the same commands and encouraging family members to use the same language is the ideal method.
- Take it easy: Training is time-consuming. So, when things don't go as planned, be patient with your dog and don't penalise them. It's pointless to admonish your puppy later if they chew the furniture, climb where they shouldn't, or urinate in the house because they are unlikely to understand. To make it obvious that something is prohibited, yell "No!" while they behave in an undesirable manner.
Start With The Basics
Your puppy will be more comfortable in social situations and easier to handle if you teach them a basic set of everyday commands. It can also keep children secure in crowded or dangerous areas, allowing you to take them anywhere and meet anyone with confidence. The following tabs cover some of the most important everyday commands:
- SIT: Starting with a dog treat in front of your dog's nose, raise the treat above your dog's head to encourage them to sit. Your dog should naturally sit as they elevate its head to follow the treat. Reward your dog for being obedient. Repeat these steps numerous times a day until your dog grasps the concept. After that, keep using the hand signal while gradually removing the treat. When your dog sits consistently, you can add a verbal cue at the same time.
- LIE DOWN: You may teach your puppy to lie down by holding a reward in your hand, lowering it between their front paws, and removing it away from them. Reward them for their good behaviour when they lie down. Continue to repeat this motion, gradually removing the treat, until your puppy can finish the action in any situation. You can start associating a vocal action with the command after you're satisfied your puppy can reliably accomplish the action.
- STAY: Put your hand in front of you, palm forward, as you say "Stay," when your puppy is sitting. Wait a few moments before rewarding your dog for their wonderful behaviour. Rep the exercise now. Ask your dog to "Sit," but this time take a step back with your palm towards your dog and say "Stay." After 3 seconds, take a step forward and give your dog a treat. Rep these steps, progressively increasing the distance you step back and rewarding your dog each time they stay. Don't forget to "release" your dog by urging them to get up at the end of each exercise. You'll notice that frequent sessions of several minutes yield better outcomes.
- COME: Allow your puppy to stray off, then crouch down, open your arms wide, and say their name, followed by the word cue word, in an eager tone of voice. When they arrive, shower them with compliments and a tasty treat. Then, while you're clipping a lead on their collar, give them another reward. Unclip the lead, rise, and move away once they've finished the reward. Rep the procedure from the beginning. For a few weeks, practise every day, keeping the sessions brief. Make sure you practise in a variety of scenarios, always keeping your dog's safety in mind.
Puppies are energetic and quick to learn, yet they become tired quickly. As a result, it's critical to keep training sessions brief and allow students to learn at their own pace. Remember that treats are your best friends when training your puppy. But don't go overboard with them and choose Healthy Dog Treats with low calories and high-quality protein like the Raw Bites Dog Jerkies from Pawsindia Organics. These are perfect for your puppy’s initial stages of training.
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