Common Health Problems In Dogs


Many different health issues affect dogs. such as dental disease, ear infections, ear parasites, eye difficulties, ear infections, and intestinal parasites. Many of these illnesses might give our canine friends distressing feelings. A thorough veterinary evaluation and workup should be given to any pet exhibiting severe or persistent symptoms. Over-the-counter medicines and topical treatments can frequently benefit pets who are experiencing milder or more acute symptom flare-ups.


  1. Intestinal worms:

Dogs frequently struggle with worms, and families also worry about them. Children are particularly vulnerable to infection from the intestinal worms that live in many pets. Young puppies are particularly susceptible to intestinal worms. Worm overgrowth can cause severe cases of anaemia, lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea, and even death if left untreated. Roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms can all be controlled with the use of a broad-spectrum dewormer. Many pet owners will use over-the-counter medications to deworm their pets, but proper dosage must be maintained to prevent overdose and toxicity.


  1. Skin infections, hair loss, raw spots:

There are numerous efficient topical treatments available to relieve symptoms when bacterial or yeast infections affect our dogs. Look for shampoos that can treat rashes brought on by germs, ringworm, or yeast, as well as uneven hair loss. Additionally, it's crucial to use high-quality natural flea control treatments on all pets as a prophylactic measure.


  1. Dental disease:

At these ages, almost 3/4 of dogs may have dental disease, which is quite frequent in adult and senior dogs. Dental illness, if left untreated, can result in tooth loss in the long run due to dental tartar build-up, gum inflammation or infection, drooling, and mouth odour. Infection and inflammation of numerous other organ systems, such as the heart, liver, and kidneys, can result from dental illness. For the best dental health, many dogs require routine ultrasonic cleaning and scaling at the vet. To combat bacteria and odour in your dog's mouth, use toothpaste with enzymes. Since dogs enjoy the taste, getting their participation is simple. The best thing you can do for your dog's gums and teeth is to brush him many times a week. If your dog is difficult to handle, adding a Dental Care Solution to their water can help improve their oral health.


  1. Ear infections:

Ear infections are very common presentations in small animal veterinary practice, and often are secondary to underlying contact allergies and/or food allergies. Hormonal conditions such as a low thyroid may also predispose to a secondary ear infection. Due to the anatomical shape of the ear canals, certain breeds like cocker spaniels and retrievers are also prone to ear infections. The build-up of moisture, wax and discharge also plays a vital role in this.


  1. Shedding:

Over-shedding is unhealthy and can be the cause of pain, discomfort, and skin problems. There are several causes for excessive shedding, including poor diet, food allergies, as well as metabolic illnesses and diseases. All pets that shed excessively should undergo a medical exam and evaluation. Hemp Seed Oil for Dogs is an excellent natural supplement that has a unique blend of vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids for a healthy coat. This excellent natural remedy reduces unwanted shedding by providing superior nutrition to our pets and helps reduce shedding when used in the long run. You can get your pet a bottle of Relax Hemp Seed Oil from Pawsindia and improve the overall texture, quality and health of their skin and coat.


  1. Diarrhoea:

Soft, loose diarrhoea indicates an issue with the intestines, frequently an invasion of harmful microorganisms. Dogs may experience diarrhoea for a variety of reasons, including parasites, viral infections, food allergies, improper diet, toxicity, and metabolic illnesses of the thyroid, pancreas, liver, and gastrointestinal system. The friendly bacteria that help your pet's gut get back to normal can be restored with medicine. Giving a dog broth or a bland home-cooked diet of turkey and sweet potatoes might also aid in the digestive system's recovery from mild or severe diarrhoea. A thorough veterinary examination and evaluation for some of the underlying disorders mentioned above are advised if the diarrhoea is persistent or bloody.


  1. Weight problems:

The prevention of various health problems, such as diabetes, and the reduction of joint dysfunction can both be achieved by fighting obesity. I've discovered that feeding dogs low-carb, low-grain diets in moderation, along with a decent exercise programme, is highly helpful 

  1. Cataracts:

This is a serious health concern because it can seriously impair an older dog's vision. A cataract is an opacity or cloudiness of the lens that impairs vision by preventing light from reaching the retina. Cataracts can form in one or both eyes, develop slowly or quickly, impair vision, and ultimately cause blindness.

A white, blue or grey spot in the centre of the eye and behavioural changes related to reduced vision are indicators of a cataract. It might be challenging for a pet owner to spot cataracts in their pet at an early stage because dogs can compensate for their loss of vision using their excellent hearing and smell abilities.

These growths in the eye are not just a result of ageing. Cataracts can form as a result of a disease or after an injury to the eye. In dogs, cataracts can even appear before birth or start to form in the first few weeks of a puppy's life.

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